Its important of course to replicate a Finnish study in USA - finland is a homogenous nation with strong medical care system, "socialized & civilized". US is very diverse and large with a medical care system in tatters, with a history of turning schizophrenics out to the street with no support. Shrinks are pestered daily by armies of pharma reps doling out "financial incentives", and insurance companies prefer to deal with meds than doctor care.
I think its fairly obvious to all that the answer lies in psychiatrists using judiciously the meds, but in combination with a strong therapy and day to day support program. As in, spend an hour w that patient, not 5 - 10 minutes. Have a team approach with psychologists & social workers .
When oh when will USA just throw in the towel and go single-payer! Along with, as in Scandinavia, limits on doctors fees and no legal bribes from drug co´s.